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Tragedy with bombay girl

30 Oct 1998      BHARAT INDUSTRIES

Hello friends,

My name is Devang and I am new to the list.

>From the past few days i am reading all the mails and undoubtedly agree
that this is the place where you can speak your mind and heart out and
also get warming response from all you wonderful people out here. 

I am very thrilled and enjoyed the debate on america-india. I am PROUD TO
BE AN INDIAN and will continue to do so as long as I live. I wish i was
good at writting as many of you here but i'll try.

Recently, if you are aware there was a very unfortunate tragedy with 
23 years old Jayabala Ashar, who was thrown out of a running train by a
mugger and lost her limbs." What times do live in " screams the headlines
of Times of India. This brave girl needs to be respected for her bravery.

Just in case if you bombay guys have missed the article in bombay times
dated today, times of india invites all to send their contributions for a 
GOOD CAUSE. I personally request you that, we all should donate
accordingly and write a few words of encouragement to the brave girl. I
have read many mails which are superbly presented here and they do have
sensible content. Please send your encouraging letters and donations to
the fighter...."kye ke Fighter hamesha Jeet ta hai". 

Given below is the address of Times of india were you can post your
letters and donations to:

The TOI Relief Fund
Times of India Bldg.,
D.N.Road, Mumbai 400 001.

(contribution to the fund are extempt under sec.80G of Income tax act).


Best Regards,

Devang. -- (lets make this world, better place to live & love)  :@)

27 Oct 1998      Chiarg Y. Gandhi

Dear friends,
 I hope everyone must have read about the girl who lost her two legs in
the mishap in a railway accident. I wish everyone of us prays for her
and for thousands of others who are going through siimalr pains like
her. Also if possible please keep forwarding this message to each and
everyone you know so that by chance if this reaches to or questions the
conscience of any of the concerned authorities or a governement or
police official he will at least try and see that such mishaps never
take place. God Bless Each and Every Soul Of This World. Bye..

       -  -
     ( .  . )

Chirag Y. Gandhi 
12-Shangrilla apt.,
Opp.Neelam Hotel,
Borivali (west),
Hello:-091 022 8015206
       091 022 8192315

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
      oooO   (   )
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