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Intellectual freedom

28th Sep 1999      Manju Sharma"

I am doing an assingment about INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM IN INDIA. I would like
to hear from the list members, what they think about the topic and what is
their perception of Intellectual Freedom. Any comment!.

29th Sep 1999      B Purniah

This is regarding Ms Manju Sharma's email on intellectual freedom

Dear iinnmates,
I think we have almost complete intellectual freedom in India. I say
almost since we do hear (these days!) an occasional protest or two. Just
yesterday some beauty contest was disrupted in Baroda. The amount of
printed matter in the english and vernacular is simply stupendous! And it
covers various shades of opinion. The is also a right to information bill
which has been enacted. 

Dr. B. Purniah                            Phone: +91 (4114) 40381 (Lab)
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