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A state of emergency and internet communication

28th June 1999      Pranav Lal

Hi all,

How will a state of emergency effect internet communications? Will foreroms
like this one be jammed or something?


28th June 1999      Huzefa Rangwala

I doubt it. There is no way to censor the whole of the Internet.
However , restrictions may be placed on usage of internet by the
major ISP's and monitoring may also increase by them. Also certain obvious 
sites could be blocked and banned.  However , why
worry about war ??? There is'nt going to be any war . period.

28th June 1999      Udhay Shankar N

Highly unlikely. Packet switching networks are designed such that
jamming like that is impractical. Unless all communications pass through
a small number of choke points which can be controlled, it is
implausible to attempt something like this. doesn't even
physically live in India, anyway...

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28th June 1999      Ankur Jain

hi all

i hope not, because it is very difficult to control the flow of datapackets
from any server...and even communist countries have been largely unsuccessful
in controlling such some countries access is banned even
from VSATs..but there also they thrive..

infact the basic essence of the internet is that it is not owned by
anyone..therefore regulating it is not easy. the problems of net regualtion for
ecommerce etc are a boon in disguise when situations like emergency and war

ankur jain
[email protected]
