Indian Army
27th May 1999 Aseem Asthana
Hello there, We all know that the Indian Army is fighting in Kargil. I think this is a time when we should all express our solidarity with the Army and the Air Force and through them the nation. They must know and feel that the the people for whom they are fighting are people who are grateful and know how to express their gratitude. This also helps to further their morale. I think that the key to a prosperous nation are the people of the nation who must be questioning. Questioning as in attitude and not as in a verb. After all, it is our nation and so we must not accept anything that is handed down to us laying down. We must question what is right and what is wrong. This is also the crux and the assumption on which democracy is based. That each human being is capable of independent thinking and finding out for himself what is right and wrong. So, the attitude is important. By the same logic, there are some things that we should all ask the government to clarify. Why was this activity not detected earlier? The govt says that this activity started on 6 May. When we have so much military presence in the state then how come this was not detected. Who is responsible for this lapse? There is another point that is subtler. What is the motivation of the people who have come in? They surely must have known that the Indian Army will take all necessary steps to throw them out. Throw them out here means being killed by the Indian Army. Then why did these people agree to come on in such a mission where they knew that there was no fighting chance for them? Insurgent groups coming in the Valley sector of the state are a different case. There they know that once they can get in they have quite a fighting chance since they are better off than the army since they can pose as locals while the army in its uniforms can't. But what these people are doing in Kargil is a different ball game. This is something more like conventional military action. In this game the army is better of than them. So it can be assumed that these people knew that they were in a loosing side. Then why did they agreee to come? This is something that needs to be answered not just to satisfy our curosity but to understand if or not there is something more to this than meets the eye. Many among us would argue that this is something fit for discussion in military and political circles. That may be true but we as citizens have a duty to keep our self informed of the current activities and by such questioning acts we keep those with power on their toes. For long, we have accepted what has been handed down to us, with a stern warning to not ask about anything. The time has come for that to change. And to do that we need not take any drastic steps but express our emotions in small ways. Can I request any one of us who is in Delhi to look up the directory and post the numbers of the PR officer of the Indian Army. Then we can all send a fax to the PR officer expressing our support for the Indian Army. Sending a fax is simple. Just send an email to remote-printer.PROfficer_Army/[email protected] with the xxxxxxx replaced with the number of the PR officer. And the body of the message will be sent as a fax to the person incharge. To find more information about this system of sending faxes by email visit I am sure that receiving such letters of support will do wonders for the army. Well, guys, that is it. A long winded dis-course. Bye, Aseem. Aseem Asthana, 239 A, New Swarg Mandir, Mhow 453441, MP, India. Tele - 91 7324 74603/78236. Fax - (001)(847) 589-3332, ICQ #36888504 Final Yr, B. E., Department of Comp Sc & Engg, Sri Govindram Sekseria Institute of Technology and Science, 23, Park Rd, Indore. MP. India. Alternate Email - [email protected]
27th May 1999
I think this is an excellent idea. Anybody that can find the appropriate fax number may please post it to this forum. ---Jeevs
28th May 1999
super impex
28th May 1999
P srini
Hi IIN-Lers! This is an appropriate time to contribute to the backbone of our country the army and airforce soldiers. Here is an appeal from the official site of Kashmir soldiers ( Let us contribute at this time of need. APPEAL In response to the long outstanding demand by the visitors to our website, especially Non Resident Indians (NRIs) who have persistently expressed the desire to help the bereaved families of those who have made the supreme sacrifice of their lives in the service of their motherland, here is an important message from our desk. Army Central Welfare Fund maintained by the Adjutant General's Branch aims at rehabilitating the families of Army personnel sacrificing their lives for the nation. Donations including those from NRIs are welcome. All cheques may be made in favour of "Army Central Welfare Fund" and remitted to the following address: Army Central Welfare Fund Deputy Director (CW-8) Adjutant General's Branch Army Headquarters West Block-III R K Puram New Delhi - 110066 India NRIs may remit the funds into their NRI accounts in India and forward a cheque accordingly. NOTE: Donations made to the Fund are fully exempt from Income Tax. Under the provision of India. -Srini P
28th May 1999
Aseem Asthana
Hello Sanjay, Thanks for your help. Though I tried locating it I could not find the correct site. Do me another favour, give the complete URL at for posting messages to the army. Thanks, Aseem. Aseem Asthana, 239 A, New Swarg Mandir, Mhow 453441, MP, India. Tele - 91 7324 74603/78236. Fax - (001)(847) 589-3332, ICQ #36888504 Final Yr, B. E., Department of Comp Sc & Engg, Sri Govindram Sekseria Institute of Technology and Science, 23, Park Rd, Indore. MP. India. Alternate Email - [email protected]