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Ideas for India

25th Jan 1999      Srinath Srinivasa

Few would disagree that India faces a number of challenges that it has
to address. And fewer still would disagree that most of these problems
are interconnected, and there is no *one* sure fire way of solving them.
We see the fallouts of so many crises in the form of so many protests,
strikes, violent incidents, bigotry, etc. While these are just reactions
to problem symptoms, none of these address the "real" problems lurking
So what *are* the real problems? How can we address them? The imperative
need of the day to have those questions answered cannot be over
Ocassionally we have moments of insight and reflection, where at least a
partial answer to the above questions becomes apparent. However,
isolated creatures that we are, we can, more often than not, do nothing
about it.
How would it be if you could share your ideas about ameliorating the
Indian life style with other like minded people? How would it be if your
ideas can be critically commented upon in a thematic context, and
possibly get implemented?
It is to expedite such issues, some of us came up with an idea of an
"idea database". You can access the "Ideas for India" database at this
The India Policy Institute have most graciously agreed to host the
database. The database consists of ideas and challenges of Indian life,
contributed by-- you. Ideas can be contributed in a thematic taxonomy
based on categories and sub categories. You can also suggest more
categories and sub categories. Ideas can also be voted and commented
upon by other readers. Problems under a category may also be posted,
which could further elicit more ideas.
Lastly, it is a free database-- free to use and take ideas and even
implement them. The effort is completely voluntary and is not supported
by any commercial organization. Let us take some steps forward-- record
your innovative solutions on IfI.
Best Regards
Send in your ideas to address challenges of Indian life:
