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India and its people

23th Dec 1998      Vani Murarka

> >My firm believe is that in India people makes promises nothing else. 
> I would not generalise to that extent. So should I assume if you start a
> business in India your service will not be good?

Very well said Mahesh. The amount of all-encompassing generalised 
negative feelings for the country and its people, that does the rounds all
the time, is like totally non-constructive and defeatist.

Though, this has no relation to the thread that generated the above 
comments - I go further as a general response to several threads that have
come and gone on Interact Inn.

More and more it seems that though unstable govts., financial hassles,
lack of direction for progress, corruption etc. are problems - but the
most serious problem that the country suffers from currently is this major
negative attitude and tendency to just expect to get, amongst its people -
this is the one thing that places the country at most risk. And this
attitude contributes in a big way to the more visible/apparent problems
listed before.

Specially this attitude amongst the educated and financially well to do
class of the country - thats worse - if they do not take the country
forward who will? Ones education, success and progress is not due to ones
effort alone but also thanks to the country.

It is natural that the rickshaw puller and the farmer will not hope for
what we hope for, because due to their condition and situation, they don't
know any better. It is because we are better off that we can hope further
and see that things can/should be even better than this, hence our
disappointment - but then, the fact that we have the eyes to see that
things should be better - is that thanks to us alone?

iinn-mates, lets look around us -

* every country (and the lives of its people) on this planet, including
the so called 'developed countries', has major problems * India (Bharat, I
personally prefer) is a very beautiful country and so are its people AND
most importantly * We - You and I - not any third person - can make our
country better and better every day, in every way

 Vani Murarka                          
 Manaskriti Software Solutions
 Calcutta, India                 Ph: 91-33-4746625 / 4754838

            - Customised Software Development -
          - Website Development, Web Programming -
       - Lyris List Hosting, Reselling & Consultancy -

24th Dec 1998      Srinivas Y.M.

Well said :)
> iinn-mates, lets look around us -
> * every country (and the lives of its people) on this planet, including
> the so called 'developed countries', has major problems
> * India (Bharat, I personally prefer) is a very beautiful country and
> so are its people
> AND most importantly
> * We - You and I - not any third person - can make our country better
> and better every day, in every way

Attitude means everything and if that changes, everything else will change,
since the way you see things changes... So I think we might have to change our
attitudes a lil' bit and our surroundings will look more beautiful and

Wish you all the members a very happy Christmas and a great prosperous New year


29th Dec 1998      gkurien

* We - You and I - not any third person - can make our 
country better and better every day, in every way

This deserves repetition!!


30th Dec 1998      Sudhir Gandotra

I agree 100%

India can be different, if we are not indifferent"

Peace, Force & Joy!
Sudhir Gandotra - "mailto:[email protected]"
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" India can be Different, if we are not Indifferent "
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