Come On India. The real heroes not those overpaid losers in pyjamas
15th June 1999 K. K. Arun Krishnan
--- clipping from ABC --- Indians Capture Summit On Sunday, Indian ground forces troops captured the summit of Tololing Peak, the first of the three peaks looming high over the abandoned town of Dras and its important military base. After another night of massive artillery bombardments and close-quarters fighting with flame-throwers, Indian troops today closed in on the peak of a second mountain overlooking India's northern highway, field commanders said. Indian airstrikes on the guerrillas also continued. Indian paracommandos also were dropped onto the strategic Marpola Heights west of Dras looking over the guerrillas supply route, said the front-line officers. ---- ----- ----- Close quarters fighting using Flame Throwers and para dropping on heights! These are feats which require immense courage!! Come on Friends. Lets get those contributions going today. Arun Krishnan