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Does anyone use Zenith?

15th April 1999      Nikunj Mittal

Hi IINN-lers,

Recently, there was an ad. in the papers from Zenith re: PIII machine for
49999 Rs. I am surprised at this low price because all the other dealers
are seeling it for above 70000 Rs. Is the quality of Zenith machines up to
mark? How is their after - sales service and are the people who use a
Zenith, satisfied with it?

Of course, the ad. very conveniently forgot to mention the motherboard
which it has. Ok, suppose it's a BX 450 motherboard and later I want to
upgrade my processor to 500, then will I have to change the motherboard too?

They have stated that the bookings will get over by the 20th of this month
and the delivery will be between 15th May and 15th June. Are there any
chances of delay?

Looking forward to your feedback.

From          : Nikunj Mittal
Status        : Student: Xaviers, Operator: Talkcity
ICQ No.       : 6964697
Nickname      : nike  :-)       Age : 19 years

15th April 1999      subbu

we had a very bad xp with the zenith.......they donot have proper network to
take care of the after sales service problems..........and also there is no
means of upgradation if it is zenith..........
