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Computer awareness in schools

12th April 1999      Srinath Srinivasa @Informatik.TU-Cottbus.DE

Hello iinnmates, 

Sri Krishna has an idea about spreading computer awareness in schools,
which he has posted to the "Ideas for India" database. The idea is to
motivate private training firms to setup their labs and training centers
in schools and provide training to its teachers on different aspects of
computer science related skills. 

What do you think about the idea? Recently there have been a number of
mails going around regarding browsing the net using a i486. Many of you
must have experienced the obsoloscence of old computers like i386s, XTs,
etc., which you would have bought for small fortunes. Would you believe
that they can be put to use in some way in India? I mean, there are so
many technological voids in India, perhaps there are *some* ways by
which these computers are actually useful and so won't have to lie
around as museum pieces. 

Your ideas solicited, 

Send in your ideas to address challenges of Indian life:

13th April 1999      P.K.Saha

>What do you think about the idea? Recently there have been a number of
>mails going around regarding browsing the net using a i486. Many of you
>must have experienced the obsoloscence of old computers like i386s, XTs,
>etc., which you would have bought for small fortunes.

I think it is crazy discussing CPU speeds when one is only emailing. I am
using a Toshiba T1100+, a 1987 vintage machine with 80186 processor at 4.88
MHz (can be turboed to 7 MHz) with two floppy dives (3.5", 720 Kb) and 640
Kb memory. The modem is 14.4 KBPS and I use shell account. What is wrong? I
am more than happy.

With best wishes,
