My Niece Unlimited

A conversation transpired with my niece recently. She was pulling at my swimming goggles. “Don’t. It will break.”, I said. “It’s elastic.”, she replied. “It is rubber.” “But it stretches.” “Sure. But everything has a limit.” “What is my limit?”, she asked. “You would have to find that out.” Then I added, “Actually you are… Continue reading My Niece Unlimited

The Science of Shiva – My Favorite Thin Spiritual Book

कहें न तुमसे तुम्हारी बात तो किससे कहें हम? Shivji is one heck of a cool dude. You see, I have a teenage crush on Shivji that endures. So when he says, “O Beloved, put attention neither on pleasure or pain but between these”, I feel this warm glow all inside. He’s addressing me as… Continue reading The Science of Shiva – My Favorite Thin Spiritual Book

Beauty is Everywhere. Sitting Quietly, Waiting To Be Seen.

“How do you define beauty?” my friend asked. “I don’t. I experience it”, I answered. That still is the best I can say – I don’t define beauty, I experience it. Nevertheless, I see her question as gently asking “tell me more about beauty”. Beauty emerges from the womb of awareness. Beauty is a seeing.… Continue reading Beauty is Everywhere. Sitting Quietly, Waiting To Be Seen.