Desire Stabs Suddenly

Desire stabs suddenly – everything halts. I become a box waiting for you unmoving unable to function anymore. How was my day today? Desire stabbed suddenly. You’ve become the center of my mind. Of my heart, I do not know. I am but a silent call through the ages In the stars I am the… Continue reading Desire Stabs Suddenly

My Niece Unlimited

A conversation transpired with my niece recently. She was pulling at my swimming goggles. “Don’t. It will break.”, I said. “It’s elastic.”, she replied. “It is rubber.” “But it stretches.” “Sure. But everything has a limit.” “What is my limit?”, she asked. “You would have to find that out.” Then I added, “Actually you are… Continue reading My Niece Unlimited

After Lunch

after lunch a time to feel blessed for a morning well-spent for the well-earned rest the dollop of food let the tummy digest after lunch a time to muse to be somewhat loose let the eyes droop maybe even a snooze after lunch a time to feel blessed a time to smile a bit in… Continue reading After Lunch

Best Words Any Friend, Family Has Said To Me

Once upon a time, a wonderful kind loving man sent an email to a sweet silly scared girl. She was upset about something, and in the middle of that upset she blurted out, “if that happens, I will lose all respect for myself”. Whatever that “that happens” might have been. He did not interject and… Continue reading Best Words Any Friend, Family Has Said To Me

The Science of Shiva – My Favorite Thin Spiritual Book

कहें न तुमसे तुम्हारी बात तो किससे कहें हम? Shivji is one heck of a cool dude. You see, I have a teenage crush on Shivji that endures. So when he says, “O Beloved, put attention neither on pleasure or pain but between these”, I feel this warm glow all inside. He’s addressing me as… Continue reading The Science of Shiva – My Favorite Thin Spiritual Book

i wait for you

This is what I do – I wait for you. It is the space of my life Where the air comes and goes In the middle of which some stuff happens Work to fill the day time with family some entertainment, surfing the net… In spaces in between these I wait for you In the… Continue reading i wait for you