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India,USA media

30th Aug 1999      Kamal Singh

hello i had a question about the society in india,having traveled to
india last summer for 2 1/2 months,i simply enjoyed the country ,from
villages to cities it was one of the most memorable vactions i've ever 
had.well living in america for 23yrs the media in general has a negative 
towards nonwestern countries,so my questions are,do women
have little status in india and as well are they treated so bad as the
usa media makes it to be.

31st Aug 1999      Niel Hirjee


I feel that the 'status' of women in India is better than the status of
women in the US or many other countries. I know about the frightening
statistics of 'violations' against the farer sex in India, but please
remember that  society in India, broadly speaking, is still monolithic and
retains its traditional values.

As long as this remains so, women in India will be looked on as mothers,
sisters and daughters (and at a certain level, even impersonations of
divinity) rather than as objects as is often the case in the so called
developed countries or as property as in certain oriental countries.

While on the subject, I observe an increased number of divorced couples in
the metros. Anyone else noticed this?

Thank you!

Niel Hirjee

Calport Technologies               Phone: +91 33 475-5884
3 Dover Road,                      Fax:   +91 33 476-3021
Calcutta 700 019                   Email: [email protected]

31st Aug 1999      Kumar Nair

What happens when the Brides are burnt ?????

Kumar Nair

1st Sep 1999      B Purniah

Dear Niel,
I wholly support the view that women in India are better off than their so
called "developed sisters". Reg the second point about increasing
divorces, i feel that the boys/men, girls/women these days are not
"educated" about the practical aspects of married relationships.
expectations are too high and warped mainly due to wrong media based role
models and the kind of movies/serials etc. Parents must consciously bring
out the fundamentals of nurturing a relationship.



Dr. B. Purniah                            Phone: +91 (4114) 40381 (Lab)
Scientific Officer 'F' &                  Phone: +91 (4114) 41331 (Res)
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Centre for Atomic Research KALPAKKAM - 603 102 Tamil Nadu, India

email: [email protected]

1st Sep 1999      Niel Hirjee

Hi Kumar,

> What happens when the Brides are burnt ?????

Um, ask yourself *why* they are burnt at all - because divorcing them is
not easy and abandoning them is not an acceptable option in our society.
Hence some unscrupulous husbands (often with the assistance of other
members of their family, not excluding the womenfolk) set brides of fire
and claim it was an accident. Had our society been as 'permissive' as some
others, bride burning would not be necessary.

It is interesting to observe that some cultures have support centers for
victims, while the perpetrator of the act is not morally censured to any
significant extent. Our society reacts to such situations by morally
censuring the perpetrator. This is a small example of the difference in
outlook between out culture and others.

Women belonging to which of the two cultural groups, do you think, have a
better 'status' in society?

Thank you!

Niel Hirjee

Calport Technologies               Phone: +91 33 475-5884
3 Dover Road,                      Fax:   +91 33 476-3021
Calcutta 700 019                   Email: [email protected]

2nd Sep 1999      Neena P. Kumtakar

The real reason why brides are burnt/harassed in India is for more
dowry not because divorce is difficult. 

If our soceity "censures" the bride-burners, then why is it so easy for a 
husband whose wife has died  an " accidental death" to remarry again
with a fatter dowry?

3rd Sep 1999      Niel Hirjee

Hi Neena,

> The real reason why brides are burnt/harassed in India is for more
> dowry not because divorce is difficult. 

Harassed for more dowry, surely, but burnt for more dowry? Not likely.
Brides are burnt because, crudely speaking, it is far easier to dispose of
them in this manner than it is to divorce or abandon them and face the
resultant social stigma.

> If our soceity "censures" the bride-burners, then why is it so easy for
> a husband whose wife has died  an " accidental death" to remarry again
> with a fatter dowry?

Our society does censure, but in varying degrees. It is empirically
evident that in our society a young widower (whose wife has died in what
is claimed to be an accident) has better chances of remarriage and has
better social standing than a divorcee. It is ironical that a suspected
bride burner is considered the better suitor, but  that is the way our
society works today, and hence the fatter dowry for the bride burner.

Thank you!

Niel Hirjee

Calport Technologies               Phone: +91 33 475-5884
3 Dover Road,                      Fax:   +91 33 476-3021
Calcutta 700 019                   Email: [email protected]

4th Sep 1999      B.G. Mahesh

>hello i had a question about the society in india,having traveled to
>india last summer for 2 1/2 months,i simply enjoyed the country ,from
>villages to cities it was one of the most memorable vactions i've ever

Glad to hear this

>well living in america for 23yrs the media in general has a negative
>towards nonwestern countries,so my questions are,

You should really write to the US media complaining about this. They are 
sure to ignore you (they have ignored me in the past)

>do women
>have little status in india and as well are they treated so bad as the
>usa media makes it to be.

Who says that? ONLY the US media. Things are really not that bad in urban 
areas. Today a lady in the urban area may walk out of the house (rightly so) 
if she is ill treated. Infact in my school the ratio of girls:boys was 2:1 
!!! In my office I have 60% women working for us. US media NEVER talks about 
this. In some REMOOOOOOOOTE village if one lady is harassed they will  have 
that as HEADLINES.

During your trip did you feel women were ill treated in India? I would love 
to hear about it.

Remember that this GREAT nation had a LADY Prime Minister MANY years ago. 
Could you have imagined US having a lady President during Indira Gandhi 
times or even now??


5th Sep 1999      Tejinder Singh Rawal

Well said Mahesh.



Tejinder Singh Rawal
M.Com. , M.A. ( Eco.) , M.A. ( Public Administration) , LL.B., FCA
Chartered Accountant, Nagpur, India
