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Ali Mian's directive to Indian Muslims

30th June 1999      Soundara Rajan

For comments please,

on this excerpt from "The Hindu" dated 30th June 99
"Retain separate identity, says Muslim cleric

LUCKNOW June 29, While during the previous wars with Pakistan the
secular fabric of society had remained intact during the current
conflict between the two countries over Kargil, there has arisen an
useembly controversy having communal overtones with a directive issued
to the Muslim community by the Chairman of the Muslim Personal Law Board
and an important Muslim cleric, Syed Abul Hasam Ali Nadvi, popularly
known as Ali Mian.

In his message to the community, Syed Nadvi has urged Muslims to refuse
to accept a situation where there is a dilution of their separae
identity as a community. "We cannot live in this country in a situation
where we are separated from our Islamic identiy and way of life. We
declare that we are prepared to accept such life of animals who want
only food and security. We refuse a thousand times to accept such a
status," the message said.

In the message distributed to the participants of a large congregation
of Talibi Jamaat at his institute Nadwaful Ulema hwere last week, the
Muslim clergy said whichever group of people came to the land of
Hindustan during its history losts its communal power and identity.
Every one was painted in Indian colours. It was only the power of Islam
which enables Muslims to retain their Identity.

He asked the community members to live in this country with their
separate power and identity. "We are Muslims and will live in this
country maintaining all Islamic traditions. This is our verdict" said
the pamphlet declaring the message.

..........the report in THE HINDU goes on to say 

"In the normal situation Ali Mian's over emphasis on separate identity
for Muslims might not have attracted people's attention but the timing
of his message given at the congregation with a directive that the
participants should further take the message to Muslims far and wide
seems to have serious connotations"

......the report in THE HINDU also mentions "A suggestion to pray for
the victory of Indian forces fighting in Kargil was also turned down by
Ali Mian at the congregation. According to some participants, Muslim
clerics were prepared to pray for the well being of the country but they
had reservations about holding prayers for the well-being of the Indian
soldiers who were fighting militants in an action of Jehad (battle of
religion). To pray for soldiers would mean to pray for the defeat of
Jehadis was the argument given, sources said. A section of the Shia
community has interpreted the developments quite differently. A majority
of the people affected by the Kargil conflict belong to the Shia
community. To refuse to pray for the victory of Indian soldiers may be
due to setarian feelings among Shias and Sunnis in Lucknow, Shia leaders

concluded THE HINDU report.

(For a full reading please see Page 15 THE HINDU dt 30th June 1999
    N.S. Soundar Rajan Independent Consultant, City2000 (India) Ltd.,  
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3rd July 1999      Anilabh Pandey

such declarations are quite unfortunate even more so to come at such a
time.All communities must realize that communal identity and national
identy are two different things and ought to be kept separate.
