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A discovery I made on the Internet

22nd Aug 1999      Harish Hoon

Hello Friends,

Well the Internet consists of an infinite amount of information.  Chances 
are if your looking for something .. you will find it on the internet.  
Since it doesnt cost anything to put up the information you want, the 
quality of the information or material is many times an issue.

The other day I was looking for some technical support on the net.  ( My PC 
has most of its parts bought from the US assembled by a friend of mine)  
Therefore I do not get any sort of technical support in India for my 
machine and I am totally relient on my friend for any help that is 
technical.  Then i came upon a site in the whats news section 
called Techzone.  When I visited the site it had loads of information on 
Tech related things in India which was almost dialy updated.  to keep 
things interesting they had a games section and weekly polls.  The tech 
support is via a message board on which I go replies to my queries in less 
than a day.  I was overwhelmed by the number of replies that I got seeing 
my problem from soo many different angles with different solutions.

Then they have a drivers section .. where you request a driver and you get 
it posted there in a couple of hours.. wow! with a quick server I managed 
to d/l the drivers very quickly aswell!!!

Anyways i thought everyone out there might be interested in visiting this 
quality site called Techzone

Anyways .. bye for now. 
