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"Broken People"

6th May 1999      Ram Narayanan [email protected]

Please look at the following website:

You can read the complete book on BROKEN PEOPLE: Caste Violence against
India's "Untouchables". The book describes a research that has been done
by Smita Narula, researcher for the Asia division of Human Ritghts Watch.
The research has been done in 1998. Interviews have been done with Dalits,
government officials, social workers, Dalit activists and attorneys. You
will observe that it's a well documented study. 

It very well describes the precarious existence of the 160 million
Dalits in India.It states that 'national legislation and constitutional
protections serve only to mask the social realities of discrimination and

"Broken People" will inform you more on the situation of Bihar, Tamil
Nadu, attacks on Dalit women and exploitive forms of labour.

The greatest threat to Hinduism in this information age is internal not
external. Will the various Hindu organizations please wake up!

 Ram Narayanan
