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An article

2nd March 1999      Srinath Srinivasa

I have just completed to put down my thoughts which I had posted in
separate mails, into a single article. Although it does not portray
everything that I had rambled about-- I guess it could form the kernel. 

Essentially, my argument is that it is futile to keep blaming the
government or the corruption for all our ills. Both of them are part of
a deeper systemic skew with no single adversary. We need to identify
that in India we have had a timeless civilization where paradigms from
long long ago coexist with paradigms of yesterday and today. We only
need to tap the innovative potential of our people to find new means of
combining them together. 

Please see the URL
and give me your comments. Would you agree with the model and the
deductions made at the end? If yes, then how do you suggest we go about

The article is in HTML and a trifle too long to be posted on IINN, so I
am passing on only the URL. 


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